Wat ‘n ervaring!
Ek wil net vir julle geweldig baie dankie se vir die geleentheid wat ek gehad het om te kon deel in hierdie kursus. Hierdie kursus was van ontsaglike waarde vir my, en om dit nog verniet ook te kon gekry het.. “Priceless“!
Daar het die afgelope paar maande ’n paar goed met my gebeur wat my forseer het om uitgawes aan te gaan (werk, kar, versekering, troue reel, loodgieter, en nog ’n paar goedjies) en ek kyk maar na voedsel pryse en ander goed wat my nie noodwendig direk geraak het nie ens ens...
En my gewaarwording die laaste 8 maande of so was, dat ALLES, maak nie saak wat jy wil doen nie, alles het ontsaglik duur geword. En dit is asof daar met alles wat jy doen of wil he ’n magdom middelmanne en experts betrokke moet wees – en almal moet hulle geld maak uit die storie uit.
Dit jaag die pryse net eenvoudig die hoogtes in. En dis nou wanneer die mense nie net eenvoudig ons blindelings rook ook met die pryse nie. Ek het eintlik net al meer en meer begin besef, as jy goed nie self kan of wil doen nie, raak die lewe ’n baie duur speletjie. En raak jy baie afhanklik van ander vir jou eie basies voortbestaan.
Daar is dus 2 goed wat vir my uitstaan hier waarvoor ek vir julle wil bedank.
1. Dat daar wel nog mense is wat bereid is om hulle medemense te probeer verryk/help/ verbeter sonder om hulle finansieel leeg te tap. Mense wat bereid is om hulle kennis en ervaring met ander te deel, sodat hulle ook kan leer. En ja, ek weet julle maak julle ou geldjie, en gaan dit nog maak, maar dit voel nie of julle my probeer rook in die proses nie. En wat meer is, weet ek ook die geld en tyd wat dit my kos, is ter my eie verryking/verbetering, en nie net ’n once off wat ander mense gaan ryk maak nie. Daai storie van ipv net vir hom ’n vis te gee, leer die man visvang en hy voed sy gesin vir die res van sy lewe.
2. Op die meer praktiese kant – web bou en ontwerp is toe nie so moeilik nie, en ek het nie al die middelmanne en experts nodig nie, en dit hoef my nie ’n fortuin te kos nie.
Ek is geweldig opgewonde oor die feit dat ek hierdie tipe deel van die besigheid self kan doen teen lae koste, veral met die beplanning dat ek my eie besighede wil begin en onafhanklik te wees. (ek het by een van my vorige werke as finansiele bestuurder nou saam die IT gewerk, en ons het baie web ontwikkeling laat doen deur buite mense... miljoene rande later!... bygese dit was heelwat meer gevorderde goed)
Dit is eintlik so maklik, eenvoudig, vinnig, en goedkoop. En ek kan dit self doen! Ek kan onafhanklik wees, en ek het nie ’n middelman en ’n expert nodig nie.
So ek kan net se baie dankie.
Dit was ’n uitstekende leer-ervaring.
Hierdie kursus was meer as net die moeite werd!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Build A Web is Open For Beta 2 testing
The good news is IT IS FREE - again.
Build A Web is now open and you can now register yourself as a student.
Please go to http://build-a-web.com/ and register to get immediate access to the online video course.
Learn how to build a website for free in less than an hour.
Build A Web is now open and you can now register yourself as a student.
Please go to http://build-a-web.com/ and register to get immediate access to the online video course.
Learn how to build a website for free in less than an hour.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Testimonial – John Walker
When I received the E-mail from Hannes and Leon offering me a chance to participate in the testing of phase one of the build a web course, I accepted immediately.
Partly because I could be part of a free lesson to possibly learn something.
The deciding factor however was that I had come to trust in Hannes with his wealth mentoring , regular newsletters and constant information he has available to help us on the road to become wealth creators.
With this trust in mind there just was no need to sit and waste time in deciding if I wanted to be part of this , I just HAD to be a part of this as any lesson from Hannes is welcome and can only be a bonus.
What I received was much , much more than I had ever expected. Here I was starting with a course to learn how to build a website , starting from NOTHING. I can use a computer but had no prior knowledge on web building .
The questions were always there in my mind as to how this or that is done when looking at websites but had no idea.
Now I am a WEB DESIGNER at www.johnwalker.co.za and I can do it ALL on my own.
I can register my own domain name and build my website from scratch. I can insert and edit articles on my site. I can add and change templates. I can add and edit anything on my site to make it look professional. I can add links with keywords to entice visitors to my site.
I have created an e-mail address on my very own domain.
Hannes and Leon made it so easy to follow the lessons with practical steps so that we could follow exactly what we were being taught ensuring that at the end of each lesson we had no reason to go back or rewind the lesson to complete the task.
The content of the lessons were not overwhelming and there was enough information to ensure that there was progress in the building of my site and of course just enough to keep me interested and wanting more.
This they achieved with flying colours because I CAN NOT WAIT TO FIND OUT MORE AND BE PART OF THE SECOND MODULE.
I just have to learn more and how to build a successful web business and build wealth.
Thank you very , very much Hannes and Leon for the excellent way in which you presented this course and giving me the opportunity to be part of it.
Partly because I could be part of a free lesson to possibly learn something.
The deciding factor however was that I had come to trust in Hannes with his wealth mentoring , regular newsletters and constant information he has available to help us on the road to become wealth creators.
With this trust in mind there just was no need to sit and waste time in deciding if I wanted to be part of this , I just HAD to be a part of this as any lesson from Hannes is welcome and can only be a bonus.
What I received was much , much more than I had ever expected. Here I was starting with a course to learn how to build a website , starting from NOTHING. I can use a computer but had no prior knowledge on web building .
The questions were always there in my mind as to how this or that is done when looking at websites but had no idea.
Now I am a WEB DESIGNER at www.johnwalker.co.za and I can do it ALL on my own.
I can register my own domain name and build my website from scratch. I can insert and edit articles on my site. I can add and change templates. I can add and edit anything on my site to make it look professional. I can add links with keywords to entice visitors to my site.
I have created an e-mail address on my very own domain.
Hannes and Leon made it so easy to follow the lessons with practical steps so that we could follow exactly what we were being taught ensuring that at the end of each lesson we had no reason to go back or rewind the lesson to complete the task.
The content of the lessons were not overwhelming and there was enough information to ensure that there was progress in the building of my site and of course just enough to keep me interested and wanting more.
This they achieved with flying colours because I CAN NOT WAIT TO FIND OUT MORE AND BE PART OF THE SECOND MODULE.
I just have to learn more and how to build a successful web business and build wealth.
Thank you very , very much Hannes and Leon for the excellent way in which you presented this course and giving me the opportunity to be part of it.
build a web,
build a website,
Hannes Dreyer,
John Walker,
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